Monday 5 September 2011

Target Audience Questionnaire

One of the most helpful things in production is market research. To give me some guidance on some decisions for my music video, I conducted an Audience Questionnaire on Survey Monkey and helped me to focus on who was my Target Audience and what their thoughts were on different aspects of music videos.

Question 1: What gender are you?
This question was designed to see what slant the focus group had, even though the selection process was not completely random, so that the decisions made at the design stage were more in line with that gender's interests. The final result was that 60% of the group were male while only 40% were female. From this I now know that I need to keep my video relatively gender neutral, although, there will need to be some elements in the video that are more desired by men.
Question 2: Which of these consumer types is the most like you?
This question is based upon Young and Rubican's Four Consumers and it is a way of honing who exactly is my target audience. The results show that 85% of the focus group were either Mainstreamers or Reformers. This means that I will have to attempt to cater for two completely different audiences in the same video, although, in being unique, this may be completely possible.

Question 3: Which Value, Attitude and Lifestyle group suits you most?
This question is used for exactly the same purposes as Question 2.  The final results show that the majority of the focus group were either Fulfilleds or Strivers, meaning that they are either mature, comfortable and reflective, valuing knowledge, order and responsibility and basing their decisions on principles or they desire approval from those around them, trying to emulate those who have more and wish for what is usually out of reach and are impulsive and unsure of themselves. Once again, the two most popular groups are vastly different, but, the message that the song I am using will allow me to create a video that caters to both.

Question 4: Which group do you feel suits you best in the LifeMatrix?
The final question about audience is based on the LifeMatrix. My initial thoughts were for my Target Audience to be a mix of Tribe Wireds and Fun/Atics and the focus group fit this projection particularly well with 60% of them fitting into one of the two categories. This means that my video will have to appeal to the digital, free-spirited and creative as well as the aspirational, fun-seeking and active youth, meaning that my video will have to have a decent pace and some fun and creative elements within it.

Question 5: What aspects of music videos do you find to be the most important?
This question started a string of questions about music videos and it was the key question in my focus on music videos. The three highest scoring aspects of videos were Uniqueness, a Narrative Element and a Performance Element with the Narrative having a 5% lead on Performance meaning that there should be a slightly greater pull on the narrative aspect of the video. Surprisingly, the focus group wanted there to be an equal focus upon the Singers and the Instruments during the Performance elements and this is something that I will have to address in the final music video. The least important aspect was an interesting location. This could suggest that as long as the other elements are excellent, the location does not matter as much.

Question 6: What are some of your favourite music videos and why?
Include a YouTube link if possible.
One of the things I wanted to discover most was whether I had been looking at the right videos for my music video and to see whether my focus group believed there were other videos that better as well as what they found to be the most enjoyable parts of videos. Most of the words used to describe their reasons were like "original" or "fitting" or "unique" and these are all reasons that I want to apply to my own video. Some interesting and helpful responses included:
"Dirty Little Secret" by The All-American Rejects

“The video is just fitting and I like how they have lots of people exposing secrets. Quite a simple video also.”
"Giving Up the Gun" by Vampire Weekend
"Because I like the originality of the video."
"The Ballad of Mona Lisa" by Panic! At The Disco
“Panic! At The Disco's is a personal favourite of mine, telling a story that has a deeper meaning than appears.”

"You and I" by Lady Gaga
"Because it makes no sense, and I love watching it over and over to try and understand it."
Question 7: What sort of costume and props would you expect to see in a Rock music video?

While I knew my own expectations of Rock music videos, I wanted to see if my focus group agreed with those. The results are pretty much as expected. Costume should be jeans and a t-shirt, usually darkish colours and the props should be just the instruments. This means that this is what my own music video should use even if it requires little costume and prop planning. Responses to the question included:
  • “A Rock music can contain anything it wants, there are no limits. All in all, it depends on the style of the individual band members. To generalise, you're looking at jeans, maybe skinny. Many wear black, or dark colours, Band T-shirts are also popular.”
  • “Guitars, drums, vocalist, usually dark and blackish outfits”
  • “Trendy clothing and props wise I would expect guitars, drums ect.”
  • “Depends on the type of rock. The lighter stuff band mechendise t shirts and both bright and dark contrasting colours. However in heavier rock generally black and dark colours and ominous styled props.”
  • “Skinny Jeans, Flashy things, Good Hair”
Question 8: Do you prefer literal music videos or slightly more abstract music videos and why?
The final question was to see whether I needed to change my slightly abstract idea for my music video to match the needs of my target audience. Thankfully, the majority of the group preferred Abstract videos, with fourteen out of the twenty choosing that as their option for a variety of reasons including:
  • "Sometimes it fits and sometimes the lyrics may not be the best and you may prefer the guitar solos or something, so sometimes it's better to have something abstract.”
  • “It makes you question the video more and therefore engages the audience”
  • “As they are not following the lyrics of the song but on what the song sound like.”
  • “They are different to others and make you think more about the song and meanings etc.”
  • “As they usually are more creative, unique and not generic.”
  • “Normally more abstract videos that are still relevant to the song, otherwise they come across as incongruent (for example, Bon Jovi's 'Always') or pretentious.”
  • “Abstract, it gives the viewer to interpret the video and relate it to him or her self. making a stronger connection to the song and the video. it makes you think about your life and its as if these people understand what you are going through”
However, there were some who thought otherwise. Only one person preferred literal videos, based upon an ideal of authenticity, and two suggested that both types of video were good if they were 'pulled off correctly' or 'linked back to the song'.

Overall, my questionnaire has helped me define my Target Audience has Mainstreamers and Reformers who are either Fulfilleds or Strivers that fit into the Tribe Wired/Fun/Atics LifeMatrix system. It has also pointed out what my video needs to focus upon as well as confirming costumes and props and proving the reasons why people enjoy music videos.

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