Friday 16 September 2011

Shooting Schedule

Day 1: Sunday 18th September 2011
Hours: 2pm – 4pm
Location: King George’s Park
Weather: “Staying very unsettled with further sunshine and showers on Sunday.” Hopefully sunny during filming otherwise might have to postpone.

02.00 Arrive at King George’s Park.
2.15 Have all equipment at location and set up.
2.30 All instrument shots filmed
2.45 All entire band shots filmed
3.00 First verse filmed
3.15 Second verse filmed
3.30 Third verse filmed
3.45 Bridge filmed
4.00 Final shots filmed
4.10 Everything packed up and finished.

Cast: Steph Campbell, Tom Walker, Stephen Jenkins and Matthew Jenkins 
Cast Travel: Two cars
Crew Travel: Car
Parking: At King George’s Park, Bramcote.
Props and Equipment: Instruments (Microphone, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Drums), Camera, Tripod.
If filming is postponed or not finished, filming will re-commence Saturday 24th September 2011.

Day 2: Monday 19th September 2011
Hours: 1:20pm – 3:20pm
Location: Archer’s Field, Stapleford
Weather: White Cloud

1.20 Arrive at field
1.35 First verse filmed
1.45 Second verse filmed
1.55 Bridge filmed
2.05 Third verse filmed
2.15 Fourth Verse filmed
2.30 Second Bridge filmed
2.45 Final Bridge filmed
3.00 All filming finished. Continue if still need more footage otherwise pack up and leave.
3.20 Definitely finish filming and leave.

Cast: Francesca Burchill
Cast Travel: Walk
Crew Travel: Walk
Parking: N/A
Props and equipment needed: Camera, Tripod
If filming is postponed or not finished, filming will re-commence Monday 26th September 2011

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