Tuesday 13 September 2011

Location Search

While an interesting location is not the most important aspect of the music video, it is incredibly important to get a location that fits the song. One of my key ideas was a field with relatively tall grass and I went to a number of locations to see their suitability.
One was this field of dead pea plants that was behind the Toton Power Grid. The field had a desolate but dynamic feel to it and would have been perfect had I been able to acquire permission to film there. I did phone up the council to find out who owned the land, but, they never got back to me. The field was also harvested and cleared of the tall plants on 14th/15th September and ceased being a feasible option.

While walking around Bramcote Hills Park I found this field which would have been suitable were it not for the mass of incredibly spiky plants and the sheer density of the flora. I was also unsure as to whether the location was publicly or privately owned which was another reason for my search to continue.

After some more searching, I came across this field in King George's Park, Bramcote. The field has the dynamism that I wanted from the main location, but it will also make filming a lot simpler. The grass is soft, unlike the other locations were the plants were spiky or hard and decaying, meaning there will be no risk of scratches on cast, crew or equipment. It also has a slightly romantic edge to it, although I initially wanted a more desolate area, it will make for a wonderful contrast between the muted colours and sound of the song and making a sort of link to the dream sequence. It is also a public location meaning I do not need to request permission to film there, a relief after no replies from the owner of the first field and other avenues (Nottingham University Campus, Chatsworth Arts Centre and Duchess Theatre).

For the dream sequence I needed a different type of field, one that was just green grass and easily accessed. A park nearby to College came to mind, Archer's Field, and it was perfect for the dream sequence.

It also has dandelions which can be used for the flower scenes in the video. It is also relatively quiet and should be perfect for filming as there will be few people using it. It also looks quite picturesque which will most definitely add to the dream nature of the sequence.

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