Friday 16 September 2011

Camera Angle Decisions

As can be seen from the animatic, most of the shots will be taken from the front, changing between long shot, mid shot, close up and extreme close up and will therefore require only varying degrees of zoom. However, due to the need for movement within the video, to "create a more dynamic feel to [the] performance" (Pete Fraser, Teaching Music Video, BFI, 2004) I will move around the areas below and stick firmly to those lines unless shots arise that are impossible to achieve in that formation.

In doing this, it encloses the performance and makes it appear more rigid and formal than the floaty, all over the place dream sequence. This makes the performance seem more serious and therefore makes the song's message come across more sternly.

During the dream sequence, there will be more interesting camera angles to "have a significant impact upon meaning" (Pete Fraser, Teaching Music Video, BFI, 2004) like a canted angle during the flower sequence:

This is because the interesting angles will further add to the dream like nature of the sequence due to their odd and seemingly impossible nature. These shot types would include the 360 degree circle in the overhead position which would be filmed by me hold the tripod out and then circling it around to capture the sky in the swoop. These shots will be the most difficult to shoot as they will require lots of takes to get them right, however, the final shots should look highly unique and interesting.

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