Wednesday 14 September 2011


With indie/alternative rock, authenticity is vastly imporant and to create this, I need to use the members of the band in the music video.

Lead Singer: Stephen Jenkins

As he is the lead singer, Stephen will feature in the majority of the shots in the video because it is his voice on the song so he must be seen singing it.
Also, Stephen is a likable person and so will look like he is sincerely trying to help the female character in the video.

Lead Guitar: Tomas Walker

Tom is a much drier and more serious person in comparison to Stephen, so, his guitar sections will seem like a 'bad cop' approach to changing the female character compared to Stephen's more 'good cop' image.

One of the key points of costume for Tom will be his beanie hat. Tom always wears it and it is part of his visual identity and so, he has to be wearing it in the video.

Bass Guitar: Stephanie Campbell

Steph is the only girl in the band and she has an incredibly bubbly personality. As such, she usually wears quite bright colours and although these will be muted within the video, the brightness of Steph's costume and personality should be plainly obvious.

Drums: Matthew Jenkins

Matt is Stephen's younger brother and band mate. One idea could be to put them in similar costumes so as to show their relation but have the colour difference reflect their personalities.

The Girl: Francesca Burchill

For the character of the girl I needed a great actress and a naturally pretty girl, Frankie fits both of those criteria and was therefore perfect for the role. I have had previous experience working with Frankie as an actress in both the AS and the A2 preliminary tasks and she was excellent in both.

The decided costume for Frankie is a white/summery dress to depict a dream-like purity to the character with the long flowing hair for those interesting and dynamic shots.

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