Friday 16 September 2011

Risk Assessment

Safety is of the utmost importance whilst filming, so, I have created a risk assessment to deal with most of the potential risks.

What is the risk?
Who/ What is at risk?
What is the risk level?
What am I going to do to prevent the risk?
Dropping or damaging the camera throughout filming
The Camera
To prevent dropping the camera I will make sure that it is always screwed securely onto the tripod which will be either firmly on the ground or in my hands. When the camera is not in use, it will be placed within a protective case to stop any passive damage. However, because we are filming on relatively soft grass, this will cushion the fall should the camera drop.

Snapping or breaking the tripod during filming
The Tripod
The tripod I am using is lightweight, but it is also sturdy. To prevent breaking it I will make sure that I always close it up correctly and that it is sturdy and upright when it is not in use.
Losing equipment
The equipment
Despite filming in a field with relatively tall grass, it will be impossible to lose anything because the props are so big and they are the only pieces of equipment being used other than the camera and tripod. However, when filming is finished, we will make sure that all the equipment that we had at the start is collected at the end and, since the shoot is only taking place in one location, things should go very smoothly.
Damaging equipment
The equipment, mainly the drum
To get to the location, we will need to get the props up a bit of a hill. This might prove slightly difficult with an entire drum kit and this is where the danger is. This will be avoided by taking the instruments and the drum kit up a bit at a time.  Thereby not trying to carry too much which would most certainly lead to some instrument damage.

There is some potential danger to the cast and crew, like falling over. However, the locations are both on soft grass and so any injuries will be incredibly minor and there is very little I can do to prepare for them or to stop them.

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