Tuesday 16 August 2011

Interesting Videos

Elbow’s “Grounds For Divorce” is an interesting video because of its location and its use of reversing shots. The location of a pub like this is one of the potential locations for my music video as it fits the band’s low key rock theme. The reverse shots are a bizarre occurrence in music videos and it makes the video stand out against many others which might have used a similar location or theme. It is this uniqueness that I want to emulate in my video. As long as there is something that separates it from the norm, my music video should be great.

Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep” is really interesting for similar reasons. The location, an abandoned and slightly dilapidated house, is one that I believe would theoretically work well in my music video as it fits the theme of the song. Also, the figure dancing in the dust with the sword, the smashing plates and the burning card city are all very interesting images that make the video unique.

Green Day's "American Idiot" has a very iconic video which is remembered largely for its climax. The Foo Fighters "The Pretender" uses a very similar climax and the idea of a memorable climax is something that I will have to attempt to create for my music video as it would ensure repeated viewing.

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